Hello! I am very curious about how you go about selling this product. I just did a search here on E Bay as a flook! My husband and I are interested in selling our 6000 points a year in the Shell Vacation Club Program. We would be interested in brokering them to you. What is your fee and the other details. You seem to be rather successful at this! Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you so much. Shari
Thank you for considering using eMidsouth for your Timeshare Listing or Timeshare Donation needs. Unfortunately, at this current time , we are not able to accept new listings or donations for resale. After a long process of evaluating our resale program, it is evident that in terms of timeliness and profitability, the current model has not proven efficient or effective. As a result, we are excited to have created a new program that I believe is the best solution for people undergoing a lifestyle change, and no longer have a need for their timeshare. Please visit www.donewithtime.com to read about our new program. If you feel this is the best solution for you we are happy to help and always available to answer questions, especially those that will help you compare other programs on the market who might charge up-front fees or the like. We take pride in specializing in timeshare, and are confident we can serve you. Kind Regards. Bryan Watson P.S. If you have or know someone that has the skill set to sell your timeshares for you on eBay or Redweek I would try that first. We know many people that do that and then use our closing company to do the closing. More information on our closing company can be found at www.vacationclosings.com
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