November 28, 2008

Q: It seems this is not points ownership. It only gives you the ability to deposit points or weeks. Is that correct? Please clarify. I own both points & 1 week timeshare. I am looking to lower my maintaince so I want to figure how to best do that. My 2 points timeshare give me only 20,000 points each a year while my maintaince on those is @ $850.00 too high for the amount of points I get.In addition I have one houseboat timeshare red week but maintaince is $650.00 If you have any sugestions I am open to it.How can above advertised timeshare help?

A: Well, as a point account holder, this weeks ownership can be "banked" as points-this fixed week bank at 52,500 points annually (It's RCI's Points for Deposit Program). This nice thing about a fixed week is that you can count on banking easily without needing to reserve first. The MF for that is only $416.00, which is a ratio you really cannot beat. You would need to keep at least one of your points ownerships in order for the combo to work--this would give you 72K+ for what I am guessing would be less MF than what you have right now-a nice package. Additionally, we just put all of our inventory on sale a couple of hours a go for two days--20% off :)

There are folks on eBay that sell, or if you just wanted to be done with one of your points ownerships, we can deed to us in program we call That is an option you can check out.

Do you want to keep all of them? I do have other Points for Deposit properties--one that banks for 120K, & MF is $1132; the central question is how many points to do you need to get the vacation that you want each year (that item number is 370116417875)

This Arkansas piece is a pefect middle ground in terms of MF and purhcase price.

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