April 2, 2009

Why do we market timeshare on eBay Canada?

Q: I am considering making a bid, but why am I signing into Ebay Canada? Seems unusual. Hi It just seems unusual that this listing is with Ebay CA, since the property, myself, and I assume you, are all in the US. I am just trying to be cautious and watchful. Thanks for your reply--

A: Sure...yes, all that we mention is in the U.S., but so many of our buyers are in Canada, that it pays for us to market there for a couple reasons--exposure and the listing fee structure is often more advantageous on eBay CA. We started doing this more prevalently in January. Hopefully our feedback makes you feel more secure. I know that anything connected to an "e" business is hard to get a handle on sometimes. If there is anything I can answer that would make you more comfortable, I am happy to do that. Best regards-

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